Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Title Goes Here......Tuesday.

The snow did retreat yesterday because of the sunshine and not because of any warm temperatures.

The small daffodils really were not damaged by the snow.  They will get to have more snow around them on Wednesday.

This was our sight on Monday morning.  The sun did seem to be out there most of the day but the wind and air felt very cold. We still seem to be caught in January weather.  I would think that the earth tilt will finally make a change on our weather.
Having watched robins picking out millet seeds to eat was the first new discovery for me this birding season. The photo now shows me that the cardinals scoops up large amounts of the millet and crushes up and down on and then swallows.  I again thought they would only eat sunflower and safflower seeds. I know we have seen them eat berries so it makes sense they eat many kinds of seeds too.

At the beginning of our snow storm the female was sure looking around for something to eat. I had not scattered any loose seed out there before this but this photo encouraged me to do that. I placed this photo on my Facebook site of Looking through the Lens in Iowa.  It was a real hit as it received 125 “likes” and the number keeps growing.

Snow is melted mostly and I need to hike around the property to see how the transplants are doing.  I can see iris getting taller leaves by view from the window. I want to see more sprouts on the peony bushes and maybe I can get that one rosebush trimmed back today.  We will have a light snow on Wednesday because our temps are just remains too cold for rain.

Thanks for stopping by today. I wish everyone to have a good day.


  1. My blue bells poked out of the ground a couple of days ago. I've seen them in snow like this many times.

  2. Your flowers are kind of pretty in snow. I heard something about another storm going south of us...so you might be getting that snow too. A bit warmer here today 40 anyway!! Who woulda thought 40 would be so exciting! Your bird photos are wonderful!

  3. Good shots of that male and female cardinal, Larry, and brought back memories of the ones I used to see in VA. Not so good seeing that white stuff in the yard :-(
