Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday’s Words and Photos......

Early morning yesterday the snow was still covering the top of this skillet with seed.  By the afternoon the snow was gone and all birds and squirrels helped me to get the thing emptied.

We were still cold but the sun gave us a taste of spring yesterday. I am waiting for the red twigs to show some leaf sprouts but it just isn’t warm enough for that to happen. The grass along the row has green grass showing. Out of the wind and in the sunlight it could almost be called a spring day.  I still had to have a hat and coat on to stay comfortable

I am hoping that this is my Grandma’s red peony from the old place.  I am thinking I brought a big chunk of it from one of the three locations that it was growing. It it is that the peony would have traveled to its fourth location  The previous owner has peonies planted up in the front yard that are not the old traditional kind of peony.  It will be nice to have these growing in the backyard.

The tulip heads have been showing the past few days. I guess tulips are May flowers so I won’t get to anxious yet for them to bloom. I did locate a couple daffodil sprouts yesterday of the normal sized ones.  They were at the bottom of my outside steps going down to the backyard. I know there are more than just two bulbs so I will need to be watching for more some where out there.

The transplanted hydrangea has leaf buds on every single cane of the bush that I moved to here. Both rose bushes have green stems on them and I did finally trim back the dead branches from them yesterday.  I didn’t have my clippers with me so I used an old pair of scissors.

I did get this sock filled and it helped with the ways the birds were getting along with each other.  Here the finch cousins are sharing the same sock at different  levels. The house finch is still the bully when it comes to sharing any of the seed sock.

Our weather forecast to day puts us on the edge of snow again today.  We did get the sleet this morning with the deck still covered with that.  We are n to above freezing so it may stay there all day.  The sleet is what we got instead of the rain that was promised at first. We have decided to just stay inside for the day and not take any chances on the road. There is not sunshine today like you see in my yesterday’s shots.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Have a great Wednesday.


  1. Hi Larry, thanks for your recent blog visits and sorry to read that your weather is just as chilly as ours has been recently. I enjoyed seeing the finches as it's one of the things we miss living in an apt. - seeing wild birds outside our window. We used to have several feeders, including a sack filled with nyjer seeds just for the finches to enjoy. Hope that snow and sleet passes by your area quickly.

  2. No new snow here so I didn't send it your way! We had a nice day and got some melt! Supposed to be warmer on the weekend, I am looking forward to it! Your Tulips are coming along!! :)
