Monday, April 23, 2018

The Start ....of a New Week.

Monday morning starts with a great set of clouds.  The sun really is being covered up by the dark cloud on the right side of this photo. The shine from behind the darkness lights up the pattern of clouds.

New England bluebells are coming alive.  I think a good rain would help them out or a bucked of water from me. I still have difficulty seeing this clay like soil having lived on a property with black soil all those years.
Early evening I could look straight up and see half of a moon.  It was sort of a surprise as I have been seen the present moon in late evening in the past week.

The manipulated cropped shot of the moon shows that it is exactly in half moon stage. I don’t know if that is a real name for the moon but I think it works.

The turtle is liking the weather and is hoping that I will move him to a better location.  I have a weedy mess there and need to clean things out.  It is the location of the morning glories so I do need to be careful.

It looks like a good day for us and I will try to use it wisely.  I find that it is tie to get moving now that the weather is not a major factor in outside work now.  I hope everyone is doing well out there and all of you have a great day.


  1. We are getting lots of rain for 2 days, maybe moving up to you.
    Take a few days ?
    I had a turtle just like yours the squirrels used it as a chew
    toy on its head. Think we left it in Texas.

  2. We actually have had a nice two days in succession and the temps are s-l-o-w-l-y moving into daytime highs in the 60s here. Enjoyed the cloud shots and the soil is indeed very clayey.

  3. Hope you have a good week Larry. I am glad to send warmer weather your could be down right hot by the weekend. Clay soil grows great least it did for us when we lived in the Red River Valley:)
