Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Spring Chores.....

The pussy willow took on a new look this morning as all of the pods started to open. I have never had one before and I sure didn’t expect this to happen. When I first saw it I thought was in flower bloom.

As I became closer to the tree this did look like it might be putting out leaves. I was wrong.

The little soft pods opened up just today. They are probably sending pollen out into the air rapidly.  I did see bugs flying all around as they seemed to like what was inside of them.

The branches that I have inside in a vase did skip this step.  If they had I would have put them out side on the deck.  They can’t be called a flower but they are a pretty explosion.

The small green ball of a plant is a new one for me. There are three of them planted in the front planter.  I guess I will have time to watch for blooms this year and can identify it. I was at the old place this morning and the fern leafed peony was coming up everywhere.  I sent some of it to my cousins in southern Iowa.  I gave it away to neighbors, but I can’t believe I didn’t move it to the new place.  I don’t see any of it coming up in my new flower spots.  I can dig some now if I don’t find it.  I guess I am losing my mind.

Anyway, I picked up a truck load of sticks off of the yard and took it to the city dump.  My truck bed is a full sized one so that was a lot of pieces of wood.  I didn’t get it done to perfection but I got the most of it.  I worked toward exhausting stage 2 and just quit.  I will probably have to start mowing up there next week. We had a horrible wind storm up there last week early and I had a section of my backyard fence laying on the ground. It would be easy to put back again but I did too much with the sticks to have energy to do that project.

Our neighbor to the northwest has his first part of a vegetable garden done.  They do the lettuce and radish thing and it was late for them to get it in. I definitely will stop feeding the big bird food to keep them from being in the area. I really only remember robins were hard on new sprouting plants but I‘ll just be safe by stopping the feeding.   I trimmed back an invading vine at the new place yesterday and the raking and picking up of branches so I should not be doing much walking around tomorrow or the rest of this day either.  I need to get back into shape physically for spring and it will take a while.  Well trudge on everyone and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I was tired just reading about all the work
    you are doing.Yard work is never done!
    We have a oak tree in our door, there is something
    shedding on it all the time. Never had one so close to the house
    before.So guess I never notice that before.

  2. I wonder if your mystery plant is a Sedum of some kind? Interesting...it will be a surprize:) I have one of those old lady grabbers so I don't have to lean over a million times to pick up sticks...it works good. :)

  3. Taking care of our properties is hard work and seems never ending at times.

    Happy Spring~ FlowerLady
