Monday, April 9, 2018

Moody Munday......

The statement that robins only eat insects is untrue.  We know they eat fruit from trees and yesterday the robin settled in for millet. As I write this post right now the robin is back and digging through the pile of new seed that I just placed in the feeder.

Sunday morning we saw evidence of the sun for a short period as the snow moved in for the day.  It again today is giving us sparse snowfall.  It is warmer compared to what we had. Maybe we will hit 30 degrees F. in the afternoon.

I have winter and spring hanging in the garage. I picked up some hollyhock roots last week and will plant them as soon as the temps are warm enough for me. The Christmas lights will eventually make it to the basement when it is warm enough for me to walk them down the hill to the basement entrance. I did not know that hollyhocks were sold in root form as  all I have ever seen was the seed packets. If I turn my one area that was a vegetable garden into a cottage flower garden, I thought it would be good to add some old fashioned kinds in there. I will transfer some other spike flowers from another area into that garden early this spring.

Yesterday during the heavy snow fall the birds were feeding as if they were not going to get food ever again.  There were not many enemies but some did bully away the smaller bird. The mourning dove was up feeding too along with many juncos.

Everyone remembers me whining about the lack of goldfinches.  Now I am glad to say that I can’t keep the thistle socks filled often enough. I will fill the one that is almost empty this afternoon and if I can get my act together I will fill this one too.

I did see on a photo blog for Iowans that they had a robin sitting on a nest. I am  certain that in southern Iowa where  they can start nesting.  Up in the middle of the state, my male still just sits and waits. He was on my front door steps yesterday, all fluffed up to keep warm.

We have errands to run this morning  so we will get out today. It will be a good day to get back inside this afternoon and to stay inside. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We did the same today, it is still cool but we do have sunshine.
    Enjoy seeing your birds.

  2. Well...Minnesota Robins only eat bugs and berries ...LOL. I am jealous of your Robins. We bought another 40 Ibs of Thistle seed today, the Redpolls are here in is good that you have Goldfinches they are so pretty:)
