Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday’s a Go.........

The daffodils from the old place do seem to like the new place.  They bloomed immediately in their glass of water.  I had to take them outside to get the light needed for the achieving of a focused shot.

My six bulbs of daffodils at the new place are growing and blooming right now. For some reason I planted two in each of three locations, so a field of daffodils they do not make.

The grape hyacinths keep growing larger and brighter in color. There really should be plants in there after everything has bloomed but I don’t know what that will be.  I think I had put some petunias in there.

My dad’s glacier deposited rock is from southern Iowa.  There was a lot of clay on that farm and rocks were everywhere. I don’t know why I keep moving it but it did come from my dad’s garden next to his garage doors. I had it in a garden at the old place and now it is a garbage door rock again.

I like the color of these tulips.  They seem slow in blooming but that is ok as they aren’t blooming in snow. There is a mum that is growing in front of all of this and I will leave it one more year and see if I want to change it out for something better.

I haven’t treated them yet to get rid of them.  I have a couple of neighbors on each side that are probably going to talk to me about it but I want to see them flower first. It is suppose to be another good day here.  I think we might get a rain in the late afternoon and that would be welcomed. I would like to get my front yard weed and feed on today before that rain.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The tulips are very colorful. I like that you have the rock from your dad's place. For the longest we moved a rock with us that came from my grandparents yard, but this last move, we left it. John continues to find "treasures" buried in our new yard. Today, he uncovered an intact bottle of cola of some kind. The paint has worn off and there are no markings on the bottle. Odd that it was buried full of cola!

  2. You have Dandys!! Your tulips are lovely:)
