Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tulip Time.......Next Door.

They are not my tulips but they are next door. Mine will be open in a few days.  Those two who live there have their roses all trimmed back already and have a vegetable garden started.

The neighbors have rows of radishes and lettuce planted now in their raised bed garden.  I bet onions will go in soon. They plant tomatoes and squash  in the other square.  I don’t plan to try to keep up with them but it is fun to see what they are doing. They grow their squash on poles to keep them from leaving the boxed soil space.
The rhubarb is up and going new.  I have earlier shots but I though leaves should be visible for a good shot.  I have this in two locations and in one other location I keep digging out the roots.  I shared the plant with two different people and I still can’t keep the plant from growing.  My daughter-in-law took some in November and it is sprouting up this spring in Chicago area.

Old age isn’t so great when the mind keeps being confused.  I whined yesterday about seeing the fern leaf peonies coming up in four places at the old place.  I even thought I might have forgotten to move some to the new place.  The old mind had steak for supper and I then remembered that I brought a whole bucket full of fern leafed peonies with me last spring.  I even let it grow in the bucket for half the summer.  I earlier shot a photo of these and called them peonies.  So they burst open yesterday and they are the fern leafs that I moved. It looks like I will have a mature full grown plant already this spring. Once planted they will always do well.

The hosta plant came up the last few days.  I wasn’t sure that it was going to survive. I had to plant it down below the level of rocks and they seem to not mind the rocky surface.  I have four or five of them planted in the area and will be glad to see them popping up soon. I have a privet planted near this growth and I don’t see any sign  of life in the shrub yet.

I didn’t have much blooming at the old place when I was up there yesterday.  Our spring is really three or more weeks behind.  I did swipe a few daffodils that were almost ready to open.  I have pictures but am not showing today of them being opened.

I have yard work to do this morning.   It is still cool our there but it isn’t hard to put on a coat and a stocking cap.  I have some grass areas that need to be repaired and can find sod in the backyard to use. I am glad the we are having a better kind of weather.  Thanks for stopping in today.   Later.........


  1. The only thing that came with us were seeds from a
    Blackberry lily. Every year they come up but will
    not bloom.I moved one to my neighbors flower bed that
    gets more sun. Hope it will grow and bloom.
    Mildred sent it to me years ago.

  2. Good to see you brought the Fern Leaf Peony along to the new place, my goodness it is growing nicely too! :)

  3. It's interesting to see what the neighbors are up to! I'm thankful your weather has improved. John saw hosta growing on the right of way in front of an empty lot on our street, so he dug it up and brought it home. I did not know that hosta would just pop up like that but apparently it did! I imagine the deer will eat it.
