Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Foggy Start... and Hot Weather is Here.

The old fashion iris is blooming.  I had collected it from my parents home in southern Iowa. It grew all along the edge of the garage growing well in high sunlight. It didn’t bloom so well where I had it planted but now in bright sun at the new place it bloomed quite readily.  I have another new variety out this morning in bloom so photos will follow tomorrow.

Another shot of the goldfinch pair at the sock. They were not at the sock for a while as they were tending their nest.  I do think in a few days we will see the hatched birds at the feeder.

We witnessed a few days ago a male was feeding seed into their hatchlings' beaks while the little ones were squawking sitting on the deck rail.

I have two yards of grass to mow.  It is so lush and green from all our rains.  Last week when I mowed, the grass grew up and was shaggy within three days. I will mow this morning at the farm once the fog lifts and then will return to maybe to do the front yard here this afternoon. It is going to be 81 degrees F. so it will be a challenge.

We bought more flowers last evening so those need to go into the ground through the next few days. Our front yard planter is the only one for two blocks on both sides of the street, so we do need to make it showy.  We bought some perennials to help make that easier each year. More petunias were bought to plant into our long raised flower bed in the front of the house.  It has all the spring things growing there and then there is nothing in there that will bloom for the rest of the summer. My knock out roses are returning after their freeze out from winter.

Our new home is a great place to view clouds.  Not a good place to see sunsets. The sky view in the mornings and evenings are unlimited so I just keep taking more photos.  It is Tuesday and I hope everyone has a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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