Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Middle of the Week.......

A hot and humid day is projected to hit our area. The clouds are not rain clouds even though it is raining in northern Iowa. The warm humid nights have begun also.

The sun does make it up and out of the early set of clouds. Having leaves on those trees does give me a new view of the horizon.

A gentle blur on this shot doesn’t distract from the wonderful color. The iris patch is starting to pop lots of kinds of iris.  Maybe today I can figure out how to get a focused picture. I guess I could pull out a tripod but maybe I can just hold the camera steady after a good n night of sleep.

The sun does shine through the tops of the iris helping to add to their glowing color. My iris bed looks spotty as they were just planted last summer through the fall.  Next year the bed will have filled in with probably a crowded set of plants.

The columbine has more blooms now and some of the first ones are going into decline.  It grows in a heavily mulched area and I was glad I recognized what it was when it came up.  The over grown asparagus from last year must have kept me from seeing it in bloom.

I have lots of odd jobs to do today. I mowed yesterday afternoon when it was hot so I will get out early today to finish the job. We bought more flowers for the flower beds and some of them will go in today. I hope everyone is doing good today and thanks for stopping in at my spot.


  1. Wish Iris bloomed all summer long. Color is great.

  2. What a pretty Columbine you have at the new place:)
