Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday’s Moments.....

The rains force the earthworms to come to the surface o the ground.  Any robin would be foolish not to take advantage of the time right after the rain.

With all the shrubs being trimmed back all the other plants have done well.  The hosts are growing quickly and the clematis is busy growing up the trellis. I was so surprised to see the blooms among the red twig shrub. It seemed to weather through from our cold winter.

The peonies that I  moved to the new place really have taken off right now. I have buds on all five of them but they may not go ahead to bloom as their root systems may not be developed enough to support them. I don’t remember what the colors of the peonies are but it will be fun to see which ones that I did bring. I know that it will take another full year before they will grow into full mature flowering bushes.

I finished mowing my back yard this morning as I didn’t get it done last week.  It looks really good now as all the grass is growing tall.  I had to wait for the grass to dry out some but I did get it done before lunch. I did get the trimmer out this morning and worked on edges in the front yard. I don’t trim that often but I need to look a little better than one who lives on the farm.

My rhubarb plants are going to seed already so I will have to get that cut back. Rhubarb cobbler sounds good to me. We have more rhubarb than we will every use but both neighbors have it too.

The fern leafed peony had many buds but only three of them matured into flowering buds. Photos of the blooms will follow tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on my blog today.

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