Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday’s Things.......

Looking out the windows last evening I could see this sight. I had to take a shot even though the sun will never be in the photo.

The tree up the ravine gives me a good shot of the sky showing behind it. The tree now has most of its leaves now and it is looking tall and strong.
I don’t remember the name that was share with me last fall of this maple.  The sucker sprouts at the bottom of the trunk are very shiny and smooth.  The rest of them on the tree do not have this shine. The tree is filled in now helping us have more privacy from the neighbors.  It was later than most of the trees but I bet it will then hold onto its leaves in the fall.

I traveled to the farm today to work on a bathroom floor. That was exhausting but I did get the two layers of floor squares removed and placed in the junk bin.  I discovered more tulips blooming and also the first iris is opened.  I tried to get a close up of the iris and that just don’t happen. We are having several good days in a row now with it actually getting too hot by the end of the week.  I will return tomorrow or Thursday to put that floor down and  I need to mow the yard up there again.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Your vase of spring flowers look like a painting.

  2. Nice bouquet! I am putting off mowing til after it rains. Sounds like you have lots of projects happening! :)
