Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Spring Rains.....

Roving photographer in the back yard is reflected in the window.  I don’t wear hats but I have for the last few days.  It is cool enough to wear a stocking hat but I think it is dumb-looking to wear one in April. I like the double images caused by the double paned window.  We have yet to replace those curtains. We did not pick them out and I will never like them. Right now they are not a priority and they serve their function without good design.

The Canadians are moved off to the lawn for now making them statues and not lawn ornaments.  My neighbor now puts out one of his duck decoys in his flower garden.

I will need to mow in the back yard and I guess I decided to simplify my life for a while by storing them there and not move them around in the yard weekly.  I can change my mind.

I have not seen a single leaf sprout on the pruned back shrubs. I don’t know if it is getting ready to put out new branches or if they will leaf out and grow.  Time will tell and then I will know. I have seen magazine articles about this shrub and they show examples of how the cut them off to the ground each fall.  I maybe should have done that but the dogwoods were so overgrown that this seemed like a good short height to leave them at.

We are having a rainy morning and the leaves are just popping out as it rains.  I have a maple in the back yard where the buds just opened up this morning because of the moisture. I am anxious to get the trees leafed out now as the bare branches look out of place in the spring season.

In the planting of these last summer I had to clear away about six inches of the river rock.  I then found the clay soil under it and dug my holes for the single hosta plant.  It was a blind faith practice that I use a lot and look at what it is doing. This is one of my favorite kinds of hosta and it is really going to be a showy plant.

When it stops raining I need to start cutting off the dead heads of the roses in the same location. They will bloom if I don’t but I think it is a cleaner look if I get the dead stuff off of the rose bush. If I were keeping up with the Jone’s, I would have that job done already.  The neighbor was out working this morning before seven o’clock clearing and clipping in the early morning hours. I was just getting up and taking the dog out.  It did start raining within ten minutes after that so he did get rained out from his garden work.

A welcomed rain is suppose to happen for a few days.  I can already see the green in the grass becoming bright and healthy. It is great to see after the long winter that we had.  I know that mowing will have to start but I do know hot weather follows and slows all that growth.  I will see the new planted peonies really jump start now and the iris is getting taller too.  I hope everyone is doing well out there and thanks for stopping at my blogspot.


  1. Usually cut back shrubs do well...cut one to ground level and see what happens they call that total rejuvination. Patience. Your Hostas are coming up nicely! Happy May Day!! :)

  2. I have always loved your hosta plants. That first photo is a neat reflection. Last spring, we cautiously cut our old azaleas back real hard. Thankfully, they came back better than before! Happy Saturday.
