Monday, April 30, 2018

Tulip Corner.......

I have another set of tulips that will soon bloom.  They are tulips with multiple petals that look like a peony. They are later to mature and I thought they hadn’t come up. Of course you will see photos of them.

The previous owners planted this one and I see this morning that it is a true red in color now.  The early morning was cooler but it feels so much like spring.  It had a little bit of a feel like a spring rain was on its way but the heat will have will surely usher that out of here.

I have to go to the old place this morning and make decisions about the first time to mow the yard up there. I bought a new bathroom sink base for one to the bathrooms that just has to be replaced before I put the house on the market.  I will unload that today. Today will not be a work day but one of getting stuff organized. I have to start taking some of my tools up to the old place ready for me to grab when I start working. I am expecting that I will have to mow the front yard back home today. If the neighbor is mowing I will need to mow. We have a threat of rain on Tuesday but it won’t be until late day on Tuesday. When it starts to rain we are told that it will hang around for a few days.  That will be good as we are dry.

Our flowering trees in the front yard are close to being in bloom.  The leaves are coming too so it will be so great to see. The birds like to do their calls from these trees but no bird has nested in the tree. The old robin’s nest is still in the tree.

I wish everyone to have a great day today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you will be real busy again with two places to take care of. Hope you have good luck with your project:)
