Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Spring....Some More.

It is nice to see these trees of the neighbors in their back yards.  It does help to have them for privacy along with the beauty of the tree. Both flowering trees are in two different back yards. My next door neighbor to the southeast has a couple of evergreens and then another on the opposite side of his  property. That backyard is unusual as it is a wedge-shaped lot, the lot used to make the curved turn as the row of houses go up the street.  He built his  house there and apparently he thought it would be good.  His front yard is very narrow and the back is extra wide. Our lot on his edge is a squared off piece of land making my front and back  yard big compared to his.

Looking in the opposite direction is this wonderful tree with its leaves now growing.  It belongs to the house to its right and sits so tight against the opposite house fence, making them get half the leaves. I really appreciate that being there as it is an older established tree.  The farmer who owned the farm field (beans) thirteen years ago never bothered it as he must have farmed around it.
Taking this shot down from the deck,  you can see I have worked and will need to do some more work. I am going to divide that chive plant and put it into my country flower garden. It will put out blooms and will be a good foliage plant for the area. Tomatoes have been purchased for this plot and they may be put in today. I used the potato fork on the soil rather than mess with the tiller. Last year I did line the outside of it with short marigolds . It will probably happen again.

I am really happy with this development of hosta plants. The one small one in the middle looks challenged but I am betting it will do just fine. It was a small single start last year so it will have to build itself up some. The shrub behind the blackish rock does not look like it will grow for me but it was a moved from the old place one, so it may not have survived.  I could go buy a golden privet to  replace it if need be.
The grass is doing so well that I might have to mow it more often than once a week. The previous owner really hand not done much with it so my “weed and feed” did boost things.  It isn’t too even right now as the grass has grown in different degrees of height.  The next mowing will level it out better.

Chores today included putting a new battery in my old Taurus.  I am going to move it to an new owner soon and I want things running smoothly for them.  I can then put my truck in the garage and have a clear driveway.  I will plant some tomatoes and maybe just a few flowers will go into the ground. I am moving slowly today with an older body but I will get some things done. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Lawn cutting is one activity I really don't miss too much now that we are house-less. When we lived in VA, it had to be done before late afternoon because the dampness would make the grass too wet to mow.

  2. Fun to see your neighborhood. Your garden spot looks good and your Hostas are coming along nicely:)
