Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday Morning......Moments.

I have lily of the valley.  We moved in last year at this time and I really didn’t have time to appreciate this crop. I even thought this year earlier that I may need to being some lily of the valley down to the new place.  Well I have taken notice and I do have and almost invasive batch of it.

One of my new daffodils is the two tone one.  It really is one of my favorite kinds.  I had a variety of bulbs so I really didn’t know if I would get a chance to have one of this color.  I am pleased to see that I have. Blurry shots are typical for my camera when the sun is so bright this morning but I think the shot does represent the flower good enough.

Out front in the house I have a variegated vinca-like vine.  The flower does look like a larger form of the vinca that I have with plain green leaves. It grows in a very restricted area by the front steps but at this point I don’t know where I would move it. I have a geranium variety there also that really does crowd it out.

I have three of these mound shaped plants.  They did leaf out with a soft leaf and the flowers remind me of phlox. The grape hyacinths are still blooming as the rains kept them growing.

The mourning doves continue to court each other and I await to see where they will nest.  They definitely will have fertilized eggs when the eggs get lain in the nest. I figure that if I keep the water out there and some seed at the tree feeder they will stay in the area. They love to walk the rails of the fence and to still sit on my deck even though I moved my feeder away from it.

It is Monday and I have lots of things that I can do.  I guess I will see what I get done by the time the sun sets.  I noticed my neighbor’s to the NW have put in their tomatoes. I need to buy some plants.  The yards are all mowed now and weed eating needs to be done. We will have a warm day with sunshine and that is good.  I hope everyone is well out there and thanks for checking in on my blog.


  1. Spring is a busy time , enjoy!

  2. Lily of the valley is very hard to control. Watch it .

  3. Looks like you have a Phlox subulata of some kind. Not a favorite plant of mine, up here it winterkills. Some people have real good luck with it...I have seem some that flow over garden walls that was real pretty:)

  4. I agree with Red's previous comment about lily of the valley as we had these plants in our NJ and VA yards. That said, we did enjoy the fragrance of the plants which then bloomed out. And vinca is also invasive as I planted a few plants a neighbor gave me and later regretted doing so. Looks like you are getting lots of blooms now, Larry, and I wish you good luck in your yard.
