Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saturday Showings.....

The multi petaled tulip did finally open up to be almost a rose instead of a tulip. It took a few inches of rain to get it to bloom out.

The one of these that I brought inside really has not opened up like the ones that are outside. I brought the yellow tulips from the old place.  I cut them and stuck them into my water bottle so they would not take a hit without moisture.

Spring has come late here and at the old place there are a lot of things that are behind in development.  The lilacs are not blooming yet and a lot of the hosts have not shown yet. The honeysuckle is behind too.  It will all catch up now that we are having normal temperatures.

We have been to the bookstore in the morning and I have to finish my mowing this afternoon. The neighbor hood is a buzz with everyone trying to get their yards mown for the first time in the season. The grass is not all up yet so the level of the grass is not perfect at this time.  By next week I am sure that it will all be grown up evenly.

It is good that it is the weekend and the weather is good. I now have plenty to do outside and  it makes things pretty busy. I hope al are well.


  1. At first I thought your multi-petaled tulip was a rose. It is very pretty.

    Happy Spring gardening ~ FlowerLady
