Sunday, May 6, 2018


The bradford pear trees are best looking with the blooms and ten leaves. I am trying to record images quickly as the white flowers are starting to fall to the ground already.

My neighbor took his down. I guess he thinks it is too much work to have them.  He asked me how I could stand the bad smell that they give off.  He was shocked to know that I didn’t smell anything bad about them. That was the second conversation with him that was suggestive that I  needed to get rid of them I guess I can put the flowers up to my nose and the smell is different but not a bad smell. The neighbor two up from me has his two trees growing and he added more trees last summer of different varieties.  Originally all the owners were required to plant two of them but after 15 years they have been thinned out. I have to say that I won’t have a plain, treeless or flowerless yard.  Those next to me will have to just get used to it.

I do admit that my two are different in size and they look funny because neighbors on both side have cut their trees down. Once my burning bush and the locust tree leaves are out the whole area looks good. The locust tree unfolded leaves the past two days and that will be fun to  photograph.

Down on the ground the hosta plants are really taking off and showing off. All of the hosta plants that I moved to the new place have come up and will be established for good after a summer of growth. This is one of my favorites even though I like the others.

We are going to have another good day.  The sun shines and the need for a coat is gone.  I like the short sleeve weather and wearing shorts is a great thing. I do think the weather is so good that I will have to mow the yard more than once a week. The good rains have blessed us all.

I wish you all to have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I like your Pear Trees! :) I hope you plant a River Birch favorite tree but I cannot grow them here:(

  2. We never had that type of pear tree in our small VA orchard, Larry, so can't comment on any "smell" that your neighbor complained about. I agree with you that a yard without plantings is not something I would want so good for you on keeping your pear trees!
