Thursday, May 31, 2018


The glow after a very hot day on Tuesday was asking to be photographed.  It really was the beginning of a stormy evening.

Iowa’s temperatures are really abnormal right now as well as other parts of the United States. We had a break from the heat Wednesday but today will be another hot one.

The flowers at the farm are blooming.  I also have spirea bushes and a mock orange bush blooming.  The smell of sweet flowers is in the air. I brought back some more hosta plants from the old yard along with one iris that I didn’t get moved.

The flower is beat up from the rain storm but the flowers on this iris looked great.  I had not dug any part of it to bring to the new place and that has been corrected.  It had big rhizomes and I was able to dig it out. I think I will plant it first in a flower pot and keep it alive in the shade of the deck.  It is just too hot to try to put it out in the garden with hot sun.

My property at the farm was an old one with lots of history.  The rows of peonies were planted probably 60 years or more ago. I regret that I just can’t bring a sample of each of them.  I do have the red one as is in the photo. It was the one that I had from my grandmother and mother’s place.  It didn’t bloom at the new place but I didn’t expect them to do so after the first year of  transplanting.

I am glad I had a chance to see this in bloom as it is one of a rich wine color.  I had a friend at school that had brought in a big box of iris rhizomes and this one was such a winner. It will always be called an iris from Sally.

I am home today doing lots of odd jobs in the morning.  It will be its hottest this afternoon so I must get all things done this morning.  I mowed at the farm yesterday and I could tell the heat was slowing down the growth of the grass. Our yards look like they are going from lush green to the hot summer look of late August. I am going to water flower gardens every day no matter what.   Thanks for stopping by today.

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