Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Middle of the Week......

We had severe storms last night in the neighboring towns have trees being destroyed. It was a rough storm with strong winds. We did not get that but we were just at the edge of it and got rain. Our burning bush stands strong and looks good with it receiving rainwater. Our local tv stations were having a hard time keeping their stations on the air.

Our front planter in the yard looked good this morning. I have been watering it every morning to make sure that we would loose some of the annuals planted in the front. This vie is the back side and we haven’t got all of it planted year. Maybe a couple of large hardy geraniums would fill it in quickly. We need to go shopping.

The front of the planter has petunias and they are holding their own with my extra watering. They are just now starting to bloom as their rooting systems are getting established. We bought some spikes this year just to add a little variety in the garden.

I collected morning glory seeds last fall and they did get moved to the new place. I grabbed a plate and shelled out the seeds.  They are now planted and the soil was soaked heavily with water to help them germinate. I will keep those seeds wet for a few days so the shell on the seed is softened.

I think that I lost most all of my iris blooms yesterday. The 100 degree heat F. shriveled them up to stop recognition of them.  I have a few stray buds that might give me photos but the majority just didn’t survive.  I have a white iris that blooms large flowers and it is still in the bud stage. If the next two days of high temps don’t destroy it I will get to see it.  If it starts to open I could bring it in and put in in some cool water to keep it going.

I am headed to the rural place to mow the yard.  It will be cool this morning today and stay a lot less hot through the day.  The last time I was up there it had turned 90 F. by ten in the morning. I shouldn’t have that problem today. With storms last night in that area, I will be picking up sticks again. It will be nice to have a day off from the heat.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Tour front planter is very pretty! Probably more storms today, we had hail when we were in town, we ducked into a car wash for awhile to escape the worst of it :)

  2. Your flowers are growing well but 100 is sure not good for Iris.
    And a good day to you

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