Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fourth Day of the Week.......

All year long the guy carries his bucket and keeps busy.  The bucket is rusted through now and I should look for a new on for him. The day lily next to him is the one shown below.

It is the first bloom of my day lily collection.  I do believe all of them have buds on them now. I like the plants as their foliage remains good after the blooms are all gone. That corner of the garage is a small planting area and a hosta shares the space with the lily with water boy.

I still like my two plantings of the same vine but I now know that it requires a lot of maintenance. This one vine was invading a robins nest.  Last year it invaded the entire deck floor above. I have a third place that it is growing and I am in limbo as to if it is going to stay. The morning glories like the same post and I do like getting blooms rather than a monster vine.

This is our second summer now at the new place and the weather patterns are so different this year from last year. Last year we were moving into a drought at this time. This year the ground moisture is wonderful. I am still going to water plants this morning.

This sedum is trying to bloom  I will wait and see if the red is a development of flowers or buds that will flower. I can see the grass likes to grow with it too. The automatic camera just can’t get all of the plant in focus

The robin’s nest is doing good and the robin does go off to get something to eat.  I could see her picking bugs off the street this morning while I was out with Barney.  I had a shot of her on the nest yesterday but the neighbor boy was mowing across the street and my showing up with a camera just startled her.

While mowing out there a few days ago I had barn swallows swirling around me.  My friend said that they were not protecting their nest, that they were trying to catch the bugs. When I moved to the back yard later, the two barn swallows flew all over and towards me doing the same. Knowing that they were out there, it makes me wonder what buildings the swallows have their nest.

I have one white coneflower in the front flowerbed. I see that I caught an insect with his shot.  I unfortunately found a Japanese beetle in my marigolds yesterday. I hope that they are few in number this year.  I read in a garden magazine that I should just knock them off into a bucket of water.  Perhaps the spray that I buy for them is mostly water and it drowns them when I use the spray.

I am home today doing my everyday chores.  Our weather will be hot tomorrow reaching 99 degrees F.  I could mow the back yard today.  I have weeding to do as usual and I still have not dead headed my roses.  It was so humid with heat yesterday and I am sure the humidity will stay for today.  Thank you for stopping in on my post today.

1 comment:

  1. I had Dragonflies swooping at me when I was mowing the other day. The mower was kicking up bugs:) I wonder what eats those lousy old beetles that stink? Probably nothing. Stay cool, I heard you might be in a heat warning:(
