Friday, June 29, 2018

I am melting.........meltining....melt.

It isn’t so impressive but things are not blooming yet.  It is like a war zone in these gardens as the rabbits were eating off the zinnias. The clay soil is sort of a challenge and the weather is erratic.  I watered lightly with fertilizer yesterday morning then didn’t water last night. We are having a tropical season with all the humidity but I will water the whole area tonight.  A very hot day has already started as we remained at 76 degrees F. all night. We will be at 99 degrees by noon today.  For me, once it reach 85 degrees it is miserable so adding 15 more degrees to that doesn’t matter.  The heat is awful but it really is all about the high humidity.

The blue spruce must be putting out new cones as these are now falling from the top of the tree. I was out looking for nest in the tree but I just can’t see any evidence of any.  Someone on the net posted a shot of doves in a blue spruce at their next but I don’t see anything.
At the edge of the tomato patch I have great color going on.  The reddish flower is sold among the marigolds but I see that their leaves are not the same. I think it is a zinnia as I look more closely and yet they are all sold together.

I have yet to decide the future of this vine.  If it were a muskmelon I would let it live.  If it is a pumpkin, I know that I want it to be gone.  It is growing among the dogwood shrubs. I had all those pumpkins last fall and we did eat a couple of muskmelons. I could just go buy one to eat at the store and avoid the vines taking over the yard.

 The sucker leaves at the bottom of the maple tree seem to be red.  The tree itself never puts out red leaves like this. The dark red brown is the standard color most all of its season.

I am headed out to the old place to put out the garbage and do some minor jobs. I have dry wall scrap and trash to get off the property.  I won’t stay long and will be glad to get back.  We will be hunkered down today with the heat and just be glad we don’t have be in it.  Thank you for checking in on the elderly here at this site.


  1. We have similar hot, hot temperatures here in Nashua, NH, for the next few days, Larry. You have the right idea to stay indoors and stay cool. Sorry the garden is melting as well. Hopefully the heat wave will end soon. Enjoy your holiday.

  2. :0 Here we are the elderly checking on the elderly! Drink lots of fluids, wear a hat and light colored clothing if you go outside. Give Barney lots of water. Chance hates the heat already and it was only about 85 but the heat index is high here too...stay cool! Looks like you had a Zinnia in with your Marigolds:)
