Friday, July 27, 2018

Bloom Where You Are Planted...

It is tough getting old and not remembering certain things.  The hibiscus came up this spring sitting next to the water tank.  I can’t dig up any memory buying it nor planting it.  I sort of do remember putting it in the ground but not what kind of plant that it was.  We had a dinner plate hibiscus at the old place for a couple of years and it froze out one winter.  I suppose I saw it on a sale while not in bloom and I knew that I wanted it. I may have come from Home Depot. I had been sharing photos of it asking, “what is it”?  I did think it was going to bloom out as a hibiscus but not this large variety.

Well it was a challenge but I found my initial shot of it coming up in June.  Now that I see the bloom today and the leaves I can know that it is a hibiscus. I planted other things along the back of the house and this is the only thing that survived.

I was able to capture this insect last evening.  I had been seeing the monarch flittering around in the front flower garden but last night it was landing in my backyard cottage garden.  For some reason the monarch likes sitting on the sunflower leaves before it lands on to flowers.  The flower that it is on was a previous owners plant.  I really have not liked it as a foliage plant but I see now that it does attract butterflies.  I don’t know the name of it but there is a pink one just like it growing right next to it.  It reminds me of Joe Pye weed but it isn’t an exact match.

This is the middle of daylily season.  There are lots of buds left to bloom. I think that makes it a popular flower in the garden.  I like the leaves hanging around for the rest of the summer.

I keep posting photos of this large yellow lily as it is so striking as a flower.  I accidentally planted it at the bottom of my outdoor stairs and it is the perfect place for it to be placed.

It is to be a pleasant day again with mild temperatures. We are having June weather at the end of  July.  The grass has all gone dormant now and it doesn’t look great.  I have to go around and pulled weeds that sprout up during drought periods.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Don't worry we all are loosing a little on the flowers names.
    Just show us a picture and someone will know. That is the fun of

  2. Great photos!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your dear wife ~ FlowerLady

  3. You have a Butterfly weed or Asclepsias. They are the food for the Monarch Butterfly larvae,,,go see if you have black dots...they will chew up the leaves as they become catapillars:) The plant come in white or a pretty pink, a different species is Orange and shorter...and Swamp Milkweed which is a huge plant and heavy leaved:)
