Saturday, July 28, 2018

Stuff on the Saturday Spot.......

The vine continues to put out these large blooms.  I tend to forget that it isn’t a flowering plant but it is the bloom to start the process of growing pumpkins or muskmelon.  I keep thinking they should stay open for a long time but usually they are faded after one day. One of my blogger friends had a husband that says it will be pumpkins.  I am good with that.  I keep watching the vine to see what starts to form on it.

The clay soil this is planted in was originally a vegetable garden.  I am guessing the former owner fertilized his vegetable garden as I have never seen the flag iris to ever be so tall. It is great to have it do so well after one year of growth. I do water most everyday as it has kept things growing well.  Our yards look totally dormant now and farmers south of us have a lot of crop damage because of a drought. Early rains were great but they just stopped coming.

I have three different locations for the morning glories to grow. I would think that I should see some blooms soon. I do have to keep watering the planter on the deck to keep this alive. I have a table nearby to help shade the plants but then the vines want to climb the table legs instead of the deck trellis.

My sedum in the clay tile is doing well.  I see from the photo that I have a little grass growing in there. I like the colors of the sedum.  I did see that they can put out blooms as I saw one at the nursery in bloom. I did see a name for it but it didn’t stay in my memory banks. "Blaze stonecrop" is what I found to be the name of it. I found it on the internet. I didn’t realize that the sedum vines and also is a standup plant.

It is not a bird, not a butterfly or a flower.  It is a blurry photo of a bookcase.  I am removing the broken down dishwasher at the old place and I am replacing with this shelving unit to hold up the counter.  I expect the new owners, which I don’t have yet,  will gut the kitchen but when they do they will have a good shelving unit to use for something.

Another random shot of something that is not my flowers, birds, and butterflies.  I see I have an empty hook on that wall and I need to hurry and hang something on it. I built my shelf in the garage rather in the basement workshop.  I can drive the truck out into the drive and have a large area and counter to work from with lots of natural light.  If it gets to hot, I just can’t be there but the past few days have been cooler.

It will be a quiet day at home on this Saturday.  I hope we get rain but it sometimes get over predicted and it just doesn’t happen.  I will water this morning anyway to be sure nothing droops.  Thanks for checking in today.  I do know people are checking in as my stats show me that I am being followed.  I though about shutting down my Photo a Day blog but I do see I have loyal viewers there too. Everyone have a great day.


  1. I bet there are a lot of folks like me who take a look every day but don't comment. I do enjoy following along with you in all the trials and tribulations in your new house and yard, and really enjoy all of the flower pictures. Just because we don't comment doesn't mean we are not out there

  2. Oh! no please do not shut down anything, we enjoy your blogs
    very much.

  3. SEdums come in different forms, upright, trailing and short next to the ground...I have some yellow ones near the sauna more like a ground cover:)
