Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday’s Finds.....

The morning clouds look suspicious as rain is in the forecast. The temperatures are less hot but it will steam up again by noon.

It is almost focused but the color seems to be a hard one for my camera to read.

The volunteer vine is blooming and I will know soon what it is.  It may be a pumping or a muskmelon.

I did have wide open blooms earlier in the day but by almost noon the flowers were going in decline.

The sunflowers are at different heights right now.  The tall one was planted earlier and about four of them are all this tall.

The top of it looks serious but really it has a lot more growth to get it up in the air for blooming.

I have a second round of  sunflowers coming to make it a full row of them.

Our visitor last evening while eating supper was this young cardinal.  He was learning how to find seed and made so many gestures of curiosity as he walked on the deck. He is not fully grown as his shape seems unusual.

I haven’t seen the parents for over a mont but they did succeed in hatching some young ones. I miss my tray feeder as it did bring in the adult cardinals.

I worked outside for some time today but it did just get too hot and humid.  Staying inside was the only way to survive.  I did have to dive out to get a daughter-in-laws birthday card sent.  I stopped for fish sandwiches and shakes. The fast food experience is bad in large cities.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday!
    We are watering to keep the potted plants
    from wilting each day so hot here.
