Saturday, July 14, 2018

Fun in the Sun.......

I shared this photo on FB so that some of my friends could see our tomato plants.  I guess my brother could get a chance to see it where he lives in Arizona. He grows his tomatoes in a hydro system.

It isn’t a very exciting blogging item but this shot does show how the plants are doing. My neighbors have a blight on their plants but I seem to not be getting it at this time.  Our tenth of an inch of rain the past 10 hours will have to suffice for their watering today. The light rain did help the grass look lest weathered.

The cottage garden is looking better as the plants seem to be filling in nicely.  I brought down a white phlox to plant in there but I won’t introduce it until the weather cools down some. The iris should put out a lot of blooms next spring.  I sprinkle an anti-grub chemical on the iris as there is a moth that lays eggs at the base of them. The worm that grows likes to burrow into the rhizome of the iris.

The day lily at the corner of the garage is a real winner.  I like that the foliage stays all summer and next spring it will be right back up again ready to bloom.

It is one of my larger red ones that puts on quite a show. I need to introduce this or one like it in the front planter in the yard. It would make a great show in that planting. I guess I could dig another from the old place to fulfill that plan.

I had a sedum in the back yard and the rabbits loved it.  So I moved it to the front planter.  I am expecting it to get tall and show some pink bloom in another month. I like how you can plant something like this and just walk away from it.

The former owners have this lavender plant on the edge of the peony bed. I really think it would look better somewhere else. I am betting that I cut it back last summer thinking it was a weed. Maybe I can put it into the cottage garden but I would have to mark it so I wouldn’t pull it next spring. The previous owners have other kinds of flowers like this that stick up tall among the low planted beds.  I don’t understand why they were arranged like that but it does make the flower garden look weedy.

I succeeded in getting a shot of this and it is in focus. The laitris was moved over there from the triangle garden and it didn’t seem to bother it at all.  It does crowd into the lily but that will be more crowded than that by next spring.

I put out my hummingbird feeder a few days ago and I did see my first bird feeding there last evening.  It was sprinkling and the hummingbird was not bothered.  They have been seen down at the zinnia patch so I am hoping more will come. My son sent me a photo and showed of his feeders.  He has the same finch feeder as mine but it is in a different set of colors. The older son in Chicago has a great setup to feed birds in suburbia.

This is the time of the year when I have more photos to share than I have space to put them.  I guess I have seen friends share dozens of photos at one time so maybe I can do that with my flower pictures. It is a quiet subdued Saturday and we are all staying home. I have some things that I could do outside but I think the heat will beat me out there.  That humidity is unbelievable and the hot sunshine heats one up immediately.  Have a good weekend everybody.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a great border of Marigolds! All your flowers look great. I like that Red Daylily too...probably is the one called Red Magic...such a good red color! Stay cool! We should cool off some after today:)

  2. I like the red day lily too! we most see the yellow here.

  3. Your tomatoes are looking good Larry and we sure do miss having a fresh tomato salad or tomato and mayo sandwich!
