Friday, August 3, 2018

Finishing up the Week.....

Living in suburbia north of the big city gives us new experiences. While watering flowers or mowing the yard I can look up and see the air traffic headed to, or leaving, the Des Moines Airport.  I also can see the traffic of our local Ankeny Airport.  The planes from the local airport are small planes and some biplanes. The sound of helicopters are not every day but it isn’t unusual for the life-flight kind and also the National Guard base near here.  I took a wild shot and was surprise to pick out this plane with the camera.

This is not a butterfly but one of a mean looking flying insect. Our drought, I believe, has hastened the butterflies this year.  I did see a wonderful swallowtail butterfly up at the old place two days ago.

I bought my very first solar lights in my lifetime. I thought that they would work well along the curved sidewalk that is lined with hardy geraniums. I bought that kind that said they were three time brighter than most lights out there.  Not knowing anything about them I believed the writing on the box.

Greenie is still out there partaking of the sugar water.  I haven’t been able to get a close up for a while and this one could have been edited into one.  I know there are two of them out there but I am sure more will come as the flowers keep maturing. I really need to get a batch of phlox flowers going for next year.  I will have to dig a clump and bring them to the new house when our weather cools down.

The Susans are doing well with my continue watering.  My neighbor does not water his and most of his plants are dead now.  I am not sure how the corn and beans in the farm fields are doing right now.  I know that the beans could be having trouble as they need moister to from beans in the pod.  The corn is so advanced that there are full corn development on the stalks.  We saw a visual on the map today of Sunday being a rainy day.  I hope it is not one more false report.

The sedum likes dry weather and I can now see a little of the color showing on the heads of the plant. My sedum that I moved from the old place is short this season as the rabbits had eaten it off while it was planted in the back yard.  I moved it up to the front yard so maybe it too will join the tall new plant next year.

We are getting ready for company from our son and his wife who live in Maine. They are headed to a vacation in Minnesota with Aunts and a cousin with family on Lake Pokegama.  Our daughter-in-law is excited about visiting our downtown Farmers Market on Saturday.  It is a very large venue and many people come from miles around to shop at it.

The weekend is almost here and I wish you all to have a great day today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Life is sweet!
    have a great day it is all looking good in your new place.

  2. I like all my solar lights and I have a few! I bought one that was supposed to be a bug zapper, I think I got took:)
