Thursday, August 2, 2018

Thursday’s Review........

The rains that never travelled south.  It was good to see someone in our state was getting rain. They are now saying that our drought is the second worse in July in 180 years.  I just keep watering things. I did start to water my yard in the front today.

Standing in the middle of the street I could get this shot of the clouds in different colors.

My side steps had a little bit of renewal when my older son was here.  The sand between the flat bricks washes away and they need to be refilled.  I filled them up last summer and they really needed work again this summer. The former owner who had these steps made had a good design but I do know that things are shifting.  I want to put another set of steps on the other side of the house maybe more like stepping stone type of thing.

At the bottom of the stairs is this vine that seems to grow everywhere.  It is kind of good looking but I will have to eventually cut it off to the drain spout.
I had cut it back severely in the spring and I guess I get to do that again in early fall.

My new sedum plant is doing well where it was planted. Even though it is a sedum I am watering it anyway. The petunias in that flower bed have taken a hit even with me watering them.  I noticed in the planter that the dirt has dried up away from the stone wall by a couple of inches all the way around.

The coneflowers seemed to have bloomed a little earlier this summer and they do appear to be in decline too.
A blurry photo of a zinnia with nice color.  I don’t have very many of this color. I have been taking shots of the more unusual shapes and colors that are in the patch.
It was a struggle to get focused shots last night. I sure have not seem many butterflies this year.  I did see a beautiful swallowtail on my phlox up at the old place yesterday.  That property has a lot of swallowtails and painted ladies. I didn’t have a camera along and I was too busy to take shots anyway.

I am home today getting odd jobs done and doing a little cleaning in our downstair guest area for company this weekend.  We hope to see the Maine kids over the weekend  before they travel to vacation in Minnesota. Thanks for checking in today.

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