Thursday, August 9, 2018

Its a Gourd.......

The mystery is over and the gourd has shown itself.  I didn’t have gourds last year so it must be a leftover from someone else’s planting season. I haven’t grown gourds for years so this will be a fun thing to harvest. If I am confused and it is a squash, I will be happy.

While out in the backyard gardens this morning I watched my one monarch butterfly soaring around in among the flowers.  I did notice that I do have a caterpillar (monarch) in the front yard on the Hummingbird Weed plant. I didn’t get it photographed but will work on that soon.  Maybe it will be a cocoon soon.

There are a lot of last blooms out in my garden right now  There are no more buds on this daylily. I saw the last large yellow daylily bloom yesterday.

I got a shot of it and today I broke off the spent bloom. The foliage will hang in there for the rest of the season and that is a good one to see.  I noticed that my surprise lilies were blooming when I was at the old place on Tuesday.

The one phlox that came from the old place did root in and bloomed for me.  I have bought three new ones but these are the old fashion ones that get handed down from person to person. I had a good stand of them at the old place for 20 years or more. A cottage garden wouldn’t be complete with out lots of phlox blooming  in August.

I was able to shoot a lot of photos this morning.  There were a lot of these morning glories in bloom today. They go into decline by afternoon so I had to get out early to catch them. I am awaiting the blooms of the morning glories that I planted this year.  These are volunteer from the old owners doing.

Not too much that I want to do today so I am picking up odd jobs around the place.

Our dormant grass has the weeds growing up like it is an old cornfield, which is was.  I did get some pulling done today and there are a few still out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I got some hibiscus seeds from a plant around by the mail box.
    I will wait and plant them next year. The wild morning glory is
    back on the fence, the gardener missed getting it pulled up last year.
    I and rooting for it this year to bloom.
