Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wednesday’s Wandering.......

While watching television in the early evening I can see these colors through the windows.  The sun was illuminating the thundercloud with great colors. It is so easy just to stop the movie and both of us go out and take many photos.

The knock out rose seems to rebound in a good fashion. They are not as bright and clear in color as they are in spring. My neighbors have them in the backyard in full sun. They seem to look healthier in full sun. This particularly bush looked really bad when were first moved in the place.  I was going to dig it out and put in something else. The regular watering has made it grow up to be a large as the others.

I am going to water things again this morning as our rains have been so minimal.  We are not as hot anymore but it is still pretty warm to dry out things.

I have taken another shot of my dinner plate hibiscus.  It has a better quality of true color than the last shot that I took. I must have bought this plant from Walmart last year at this time, as they have them on sale right now at this time of the year.  It must be a good time to plant them. I must have picked one up a year ago.  I am using mild restraint to buy more as they are all the same, except they are in different colors.

I slopped planted this foliage in a planter having picked it up on a cheap sale.  It is growing large like a weed.  The colors aren’t so exotic but I now know I could plant some under the deck next year and they will do well.

Both hummingbirds were at the feeders this morning. One of them liked my red shirt as he approached me on the other side of the sliding glass door. I have plans to do as little as possible today.  I need to buy things to help me finish up the old house’s kitchen new floor. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your Hibiscus is looking great. You caught some great clouds! I think I am caught up with you again, it has been a busy summer here:)
