Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Middle Day of the Week.....

My one and only monarch was feeding in the front yard.  I could not disturb this one while shooting photos around the area.  I think it was laying eggs as it was not eating from the dried coneflower.  I had seen earlier, a few days ago,  a monarch worm on the butterfly weed that grows in the same flower bed.

When it is not so hot and dry the morning glory shrivels up to look like this. You can see buds in the background that are blooming this morning.

There are still a lot buds on the hibiscus.  I should have blooms through this mont ad maybe beyond. This variety is not very tall.  I know it is its first blooming season so next year it might grow taller as a plant.

We had a rainy day, all day, on Monday.  The humming birds and young goldfinches didn’t seem to be bothered with sprinkles. A few days later we have a very cool morning but it will warm up today.

I have packages to send to the grandson who broke his arm.  I tried to send out a card to him yesterday and the mailman, who normally doesn’t go until five or six in the evening, decided to go at three in the afternoon.  I went to mail the card and the mail had already gone and I had mail.  I took the card to the  large grocery store and the mail had already gone there too.  I long for a consistent mail service in our  big city.  I actually believe that we didn’t get mail the day before, so they went early the next day to make up for it. You can not schedule your life on that service. Sometimes you don’t have an idea that you need to mail out early because the need to mail something had not developed yet.

Today is chores day for me.  I have watering to do and maybe an area of the yard to mow. I will start early on the postal service problem knowing that I can get it done early in the morning that maybe I can hit a mail truck somewhere.  Our post office is miles away on the other end of town.  Our grocery store post office is a mile away from our home. That will be the choice once everything is ready. It is the middle of the week already.  Where does the week go?  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you found a mailbox! Our closest post office has weird hours and the next one is 14 miles away.
    The summer is going real fast, Fall is in the air up mornings.
    Chance is still holding his own, eating boiled rice and hamburger 4 small meals a day. Taking as good care of him as we can. he is showing his age. But then I guess we all are:)
