Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday’s Things.....

It bent over a few weeks ago and I tried to save it.  I stood it back up and wrapped the kink on the stem. It didn’t work though as the wind just snapped it off yesterday.  The bend didn’t heal but started to root above the old part and no real strength came from trying to save it. I did stick the broken off stem into a bucket of water but I know that will not work.

We had an inch and a half of rain yesterday. Spotty rains happened all day.  The rain was not good for the yesterday’s blooms but they are back today as other new blooms.

I removed all of the dead roses and put them in this dirty bucket. The  bushes are already budded for the next round of blooms even though the bushes look blank right now.

The rocks that I had picked up and put on the top of the wall now are decorated with rose petals. The grandson who likes to put these rocks  back with the others had an accident yesterday.  He was playing on the monkey bars and fell breaking his arm. We are going to send him get well cards off and on.  We also picked up a lego toy for him to put together.  He starts school next week riding a bus to start his kindergarten year. His little brother will get a toy too because that is what grandparents do.

I did work at the old place today.  I had plans of things to get done but I don’t get them all done.  The neighbor guy was over and we talked for a while catching up on things. Being a friend sometimes means sacrifice but I can work longer next time to catch up on my list. He was excited because his daughter was going to leave New York City and go to Chicago to work. I had both of his daughters in school from middle school through graduation.

The old place got three times the amount of rain than what we had at the new place. I had chunks of old tree branches to pick up this morning. My yard in Woodward is very green.

A blurry shot of my new fish.  It was an immature decision but I bought a koi.  They can grow to be a foot long and I will have to deal with that years from now. I have to cover all of the openings above the tank as they do tend to jump out of the tank and commit suicide.  I do think 68 years old allows one to make foolish decisions and I will figure what to do when he gets to be too big.

I am late blogging today. It is kind of a low key day.  We are both sad about our grandson and his broken arm and yet we know that he isn’t the only kid with a broken arm out there today.  His little brother broke his collar bone diving off of a bed about three months ago.  Thank you for stopping by today.  Yes, as long as the old grandpa in the family doesn’t break anything, everyone will be happy and so will I be.

1 comment:

  1. Poor AJ I hope all heals well for him, at least it is at the end of the summer to have a cast! Boys will be boys:) Yes you should send gifts every week! :) Cars and Leggos!! :)
