Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Middle of the week......

The dry grass below show the evidence that I have been watering the flowers.  I really like this particular variety.  It must be popular as they seem to be the only choices to buy in pink and lavender.

The hardy geraniums are having a tough time out there in the front bed.  I am having some volunteer cockscomb that will put out some blooms.

I tolerated these plants this summer while they grew up to bloom.  I couldn’t identify them and cut them back as if they were weeds.  I do now know they are butterfly feeders and will have to learn the foliage.  As a farm boy seeing many weeds, they still look like weeds. The blooms are wonderful. You can see I have white and pink for colors.

Butterfly weed or Asciepsias was shared with me by Far Side as its identity.  Thanks.

I need to move it all in a location where I can know that it will be growing and I won’t be pulling it out of the ground. A few stakes in the ground will help too. I did let it grow in the front garden and it looks good there.  It is taller than everything else but it makes a nice accent plant.

This is the view of my flower garden from the side. I usually share the end view but this is the zinnia side of the patch.  The sun was in the west and it gave everything a glow.  I have mixed sizes, different planting times, of these zinnias. That are not fully grown yet.  I had the taller screen on this side to keep the rabbits out but now I toolkit out leaving the shorter screens. That will help keep the plants from leaning out onto the ground like last year.

I am heading to the old place today. I am not excited about it but once I get in the truck and head northwest, I will be more energetic. I am going to put down a new tile square floor in the kitchen. I damaged a lot of the old  floor with removing of the dishwasher.  It will look newer and better with a quick tile floor being put down. It goes down fast. I need to go now to start that job. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you highlighted it like you were going to copy it so you could paste it somewhere else.
