Saturday, August 25, 2018

Saturday’s News.......

The harvest has been good.  I didn’t grow large tomatoes so it seems like I didn’t have so many of them. This cherry tomato is reviving for one last production.  My pear shaped ones also seem to be revenging.  I guess that we left a long drought period and the plants seemed to start a new season.

It is another full moon.  I have been watching that sliver of moon to a full moon  We have had a lot of cloudy nights so I was surprised to see it full developed.  The red planet of Mars seems to be hanging around near it now as it was not near it when the new moon was forming.  The were almost at opposite ends of the sky.
 A low flying passenger jet went over me at the same time.  It looked like it must have left Des Moines Airport and was heading straight north toward the Minneapolis area.  It seems like a late time for a departure but I do know we have landed in Des Moines at ten thirty at night when coming from Maine. The weather was very humid and the jet was flying so very low as it passed over our city.

The rhubarb has done well this season.  For some reason a bug really liked eating this one leaf.  I didn’t see the insect so I don’t have a way to identify it.  It just seemed to like only this leaf.

The knock out roses continue to impress me with all their blooms.  This one cluster is on the side of the one bush that is ready to bloom again soon. They have received benefit of getting water all summer from my garden hose.  I was watering the main frontward flower garden so it seemed good to help out the roses and evergreens.

It is going to be a hot day with full sun.  I could mow the yard but I think I will just wait until more of the dormant grass grows back in to the yard.

I just received a call from my older son about his house being hit by lightning.  He wanted to pick my brain about the situation.  Our older house in the old town was hit a number of times and we really never had damage.  He has lost a lot of his electronic pieces but not major appliances.  I know that the water pipes and sewer pipes tended to ground out a lightning strike.  His seems to be ground out on one end of the house but the other end did get hit.  I don’t like the unpredictability of lightning strikes and houses don’t have the lightning rods anymore.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Have your son check everything that was connected to electricity...lightening can be so destructive:(
