Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunny Sunday Afternoon........

I found a piece of history in our old house cupboard.  It was slid back in the corner of the corner kitchen cupboard.  It is one of the two that we had.  Our newer one had a spigot on the bottoms side of it.  It was sent to the landfill last year.

I brought it home and scrubbed it down and tried it out for old times sake. My wife remembered how many bags to put in before setting it in the sun.  She remembers because she and her Uncle Toby would discuss the numbers use. Toby always used five or six bags and my wife always used four. I like to pour the tea in a glass and add as much ice that is possible. No sugar is added to my tea. The old jar still works.

While out yesterday afternoon, I sat on the deck and watched the humming birds coming in to feed. It was a good hot afternoon for the tea to brew.

The one hummer rewarded me a chance to get a shot of it in the air. I have found that they like to approach you if you are wearing a red shirt.

While on the deck I caught a glimpse of the sunflower through the slots of the rail. When I zoomed in on it  I have a photograph that is framed on two sides.  It is a very hot and very humid today.  It is not easy to stay outside for very long.  I thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. We had a jar with a spigot too, now I just make it for my husband in a cup and then pour it over lots of ice...he is a cold tea drinker.
    Your sunflower is stunning! Hope you are having a good weekend:)

  2. Four is the magic number at our house. Of course I add a little of my wild mint pack in a small sieve for an extra kick...:)
