Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday’s Select Shares......

I gave away some more tomatoes today.  We still have lots of them so giving them away is really a good thing. Some travelled to Minnesota last week and they ended up in tacos.  We had tacos recently too.I can see the end of tomatoes in the next few weeks.

The gold finch is speaking to me about filling the feeder.  He is tired of standing on his head to eat thistle seed. This is a young male which is still filling in his yellow feathers. There are less of them around now as they have probably scattered into the timber areas that surround us. I have read in our community news blog that a coyote has been sneaking in to the neighborhood as seen on their nature cam.

I can go out every morning and take shots of multiple blooms.  They are doing so well, better than the ones that I planted.

The hardy geraniums are doing the best that they can.  They really like warmth but not the high heat that we have been having.I suspect that this fall they will look better.

Setting up straight to drain the sweet goodness to the back of his throat. He seems a little bit stiff in his personality but they do act like high strung creatures. I just remembered now that I have not seen a ruby throated hummingbird this year.

It is a hot day again today and it is better to just stay inside. I feel the need for some rest this afternoon so it is best to be inside for that. We don’t sit out on our deck much but we will eventually get out there this fall. I grill out there a lot and I use the decks as a means to travel down the stairs to the back yard.  I wish  you all to have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your tomatoes look wonderful, I can almost taste them :) Hot here and miserable:(
