Monday, August 13, 2018


Our son in Minnesota showed a photo of a wonderful sunset on Lake Pokegama.  This is our sunrise on suburbia drive.  No clouds in the sky at this point and the sky is of yellow colors while his was in lavender colors.

The morning glories on the deck have put out two blooms for the first time. It sure makes it easy to photograph with it planted there.  There are six or more vines planted in the window box and I will be interested to see if there will be different colors.

Another sunflower has now opened.  Being that it is so tall and that it faces the deck, I can take photos of it at eye level. The color of yellow is so pure and bright on the flowers. The seeds are already being formed and will get full and crowded.

I have appointments for the next two days in the morning.  My dentist gets to be visited by me as a routine check up.  My car keeps remind me that my oil needs to be changed and that will be tomorrow. It screws up the normal routine of a retired  person and I will be glad to have them both done.  I need to give the truck a check up too but I will wait to get the two done before I make an appointment.

Our week is to be less hot but it still will not be cool.  Our mornings have become cool and damp and that seems to help with the greening of the grass.  I did watch a neighbor down the way three houses down  mow his dormant grass.  The dust just flew and it did lower the height of it but brown tall or brown short really does look about the same.

I wish everyone to have a good week.  Thanks for checking in today.

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