Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday’s Here......

The clouds in the sky tended to make a better shot with the common sunflower.  We continue to have high humidity.

This color of morning glory is blooming on the deck.  It grows out of a window box planter and is vining around the trellis and the decks railing.
My newest hardy geranium is putting out a new set of blooms. The red is a pure color.  I lost the one plant that had the deeper red color. Planting it in the pot was a good move for me as I can now bring it inside for the winter.

The quilt block has found a new home in the garage.  I could put it in the room in the basement where all the old quilts are stored but this seems to be a good place for now. I am glad we took it down as it did look out of place.  The trend to place them on barns and outbuildings looks good but having in the largest gable of the garage didn’t really work for two people who are not quilters.

Having the gable be a blank statement looks good.  It seems to balance our other side of our living quarters. Most houses in this neighborhood have three car garages and the right side of the house is not balanced with one room and an entrance door. The newer designs for houses are ones with all garage doors and a minimal view of a door and one set of double windows.  Most all of the house is behind the front to the house.

I had decided at first to not plant sunflowers.  Then I planted four on the edges of the garden.  I later added more so that their are seven of them in my forest.  I really am glad that I did.

I am off to the old place today to do more work in the kitchen. I have the flooring replaced and it looks great.  I have a strip on one end next to the stove that needs to be finished with lots of cutting of pieces.  I should have that done today and if things go well I will have the quarter round all cut.

We are still not getting the rains that we need.  It rained south of us for half of a day and it rained at the old place last evening.  I would’t complain except that the forecasters show us getting rain everyday for the whole week.  Nothing happened yesterday and it doesn’t look promising again today.  Thank you for stopping by today.

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