Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Middle of the Week.....

I was late in buying the moss rose because I never saw it on sale.  A few weeks ago I did see some and it is planted now.  It was not doing well in the shade so it sits in the hot sun now. Once it gets normalized in the pan it will put out more than just two blooms.

My small tomatoes have rebound and is putting out a new batch of tomatoes. I did see that I am over watering my tomatoes as some of them were splinting. I read that info yesterday on the net and will now back off the watering a bit.

My marigolds blooms are not doing well.  The few that are ok are helping the bumble bee to get some food. I have more dead blooms than fresh blooms.

My large grocery store puts out roses like this once in a while. I could pick up three  for ten dollars. I know of a couple of friends who have them overwinter without a problem.  The lady that sold them to me says to cover them with thick leaf cover and they do come back.  I just have to find a protected area for them and get some good black soil for the be planted in for good growth.

I have tried to grow them inside over the winter but they just don’t like heating systems. I like how they are truly a rose, just smaller in size.

The phlox that I bought recently did come with names. I had misplaced the pot for this one but now do know the name to be “Laura”. My challenged mind probably won’t remember but for now I will make a effort.

We had a sprinkle of rain for a lot of the evening.  It was a good think as we got about a half inch of rain. It seems to keep raining above us and also below us.  What ever we get will be good. The clouds are still hanging around but we are now starting to clear.

I usually go to the old place on Wednesday but I am just going to ignore the job for now.  I think I caught a cold from the dental technician.  The sneezing and aches and pains seem more like a summer cold.  It is causing me to have low motivation. It may be just nothing.   Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Sending healing thoughts your way Larry, there's nothing worse than a summer cold.
    Your pictures are beautiful, and thank goodness you are still getting rain in your neck of the woods.
    Hopefully, we have a chance at rain today.
