Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thursday’s Things.....

A slanted shot of my jade plant.  It has been large, died off, and now is revived and doing well again. It isn’t a grand shape with only two tall sprigs with all those little starts at the bottom.

The seeds from last year’s morning glories have been spread by the birds.  This photo shows a vine growing in the tomato patch. I have another vine blooming over in the sunflower patch.

I am sure that my neighbor with her vegetable garden keeps her weeds down so she wouldn’t be bothered by my wandering blooms. As the weather stays cooler I can see the flowers are enjoying the break from the heat. My backyard grass has grown enough that it really could be mowed again.  My front yard is not doing that well. It is still spotty with dormant grass but the dandelions keep on sprouting up.

My volunteer vine of gourd-life squash keep putting out more.  I have yet to find the plant on the net but I will try again soon in my search. The vine is among the red twig dogwood and seems to blend in with them.  I won’t take it out until the first frost. Unfortunately the first frost seems to be closer than I would want.  I noticed the full moon had moved in the sky to the farther left of me. I thought it wasn’t out there when I was out with Barney last night and ten I noticed it was so far east that I had to go out to the deck to see it.  The moon has already stopped being completely round and is distorted like a flat sided ball.

I am happy with this move of the Russian sage.  It is sprouting out new leaves at the bottom as well as the center of the plant. I have it coming up in my yard like a weed this year since the grass hasn’t been mowed for a long time.  I may pull out some more plugs of it and put it my backyard flower garden with this one. I did see a humming bird getting nectar from those tiny blooms.

The new phlox called “bright eyes” is on its final bloom. All three new ones are doing well in that clay dirt.  Next year they will be ready to take growth and bloom with gusto.

It is Thursday and things need to be done.  I am on a slow speed today so anything that I can accomplish will be good.

I wish you all to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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