Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday’s Findings.........

The wind is tossing the flower around.  I like the photo because of the feeling of height as it shows things while looking down. The blur of the flower seems to have to be ok.

The two haven’t been moved for most of the summer.  I needed to do sum serious grass cutting so they were brought out from away the backyard fence.

Looking up in this photos lets the leaf arrangement be appreciated. The hummingbirds like to land and rest on the branches.  The size of the brach seems to be a perfect size for them to perch.

The second bach of sunflowers that I planted at a later time are growing taller.  The look like soldiers trying to stand at attention.  None of them have put to a bloom but maybe next week they will start. One of them is really leaning but I am not sure that I can get into the area to put in a steel post and tie it up straight again.

The zinnia does make a great cut flower.  I am going to see how long it last though. The hallow stems may not let the flowers stay good.

It is Friday and the morning was rainy.  The afternoon is going to be very hot and then we will have storms in the evening. It seems like a typical summer.  The weekend is coming soon.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your Zinnias are just perfect! Real humid and miserable here today. Stay cool and have a good weekend!
