Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday’s Post........

Tuesday morning is starting off with beautiful scattered clouds. Each one is reflecting the sunlight.

I missed blogging yesterday.  I don’t know why that I did not do it as I have many photos to share.  I  must have had my head in the sky like this sunflower.

Our heat has been overwhelming with the air steamy hot and blowing it in your face. I did mow most of my yard yesterday in the morning to help level it off a little. I didn’t do all of it.

I don’t have only one or two butterflies this year. Maybe there will be a migration of monarch but I usually get many bugs on my zinnias.  This looks more like a moth.

I have had more bees and honeybees on my flowers this year than butterflies

I had intended to share this shot yesterday in my post. The colors that show through the flower are so great. The dark background of the underside of the deck really makes them look unreal.

It is either a gourd or a squash.  This is another small one just now developing.  I saw one smaller than this on the vine while I was mowing the yard yesterday.

It was a windy day and I was having a hard time getting the flower in the photo.  I liked this one as it has sort of an informal balance with the blurred house in the background.

I have been pulling this weed all summer.  Somehow this one blended in with the bushes so much that I didn’t get it pulled. Now I am going to let it bloom to help me figure out what kind of  weed that it is.

I worked at the old place today and left after it started to storm so badly.  I drove out of it as I came southeast. It didn’t hit here until later while we were buying groceries. We are still on the edge of a drought area and our rains are few and far between. Any rain, even if it does not measure in the gauge still is good to wet things down.

I did get my blog done for today and thank you for stopping by today. s

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, my favorite, the morning glories are wonderful!!!

    Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady
