Monday, September 3, 2018

Better Late than Never....

I watered these flowers a few days ago and then it is now continually raining. I think they will last a long time with this kind of weather.

The hot weather has shut these flowers down.  A few stragglers are putting out one or two lone blooms but it is too late for them to rebound.

The little pink flowers are starting to open on the sedum. The buds are a darker color than the small flowers so it will look pink when everything is opened.

The sunflower that snapped off of it stem won’t hamper its blooming.  The leaves all died but the bud bloomed.  I stuck it in a bucket of water to help but the stem I am sure takes in a little water.

I created this blog this morning and lost it.  I finally found it in limbo waiting for me to finish it.  I had been interrupted and I must have shut the computer down.  We have had rain off and on most of the day.  We escaped to the bookstore mid morning and came home to be with Barney.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Yes, the rainfall will make them all happy :)
    Beautiful colors there Larry...

  2. The sunflower has a strong will to bloom, Your Zinnias are lovely:)
