Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sunday is Here.....

Weather seems to be our major story for the weekend.  A college game was shut down in Ames, ISU, just north of us on Saturday afternoon. I think Nebraska’s game was also canceled. The clouds are still all around us but we are in the clear for now. The neighbor hood boys are out this morning playing trampoline wars pushing each other down to see who is the strongest. Aggressive boys can be identified early in their years just by watching them, five on a small trampoline. I bet the hours of rain kept them inside too long.

Between the three different fronts that came though yesterday I was able to get some really unusual cloud formations.

In the evening, during a break of the weather, I was able to get some photos.
The sunflowers were grateful for rain and I was thankful that the winds were not so strong to blow them down.

I have dumped the measure of rain a few times. In most instances it was full of an inch of rain or more each time. We really needed the rain. My grass is growing back with gusto and I will be mowing during this week for sure.

Life is good when your wife makes a peach pie.  We had our first piece each with butter brickle ice cream on them last evening. Their were some frozen Georgia peaches hanging around ready for to fill up a crust for pie.

The front trees are ornamental pear trees.   They tend to let me know of the doom and gloom of winter is coming. I am hoping that the next two months will be great ones for us. Leaf raking is a while away but it is coming. My son gave me a free snowblower last month so I am all ready for the white stuff when it comes.

We have a temporary sunny period right now and I am glad to see the sun.  I hope all are well and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. That peach pie looks yummy! We have been eating peaches everyday. Glad the worst of the weather escaped you:) I will have to mow again this week, I just mowed last Wednesday :(

  2. How I love those happy sunflowers, they make me smile :)
    The peach pie looks delicious, and now I'm craving butter brickle ice-cream, ooh my !
