Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday’s Findings.....

They seem to be neglected but this one is blooming anyway. I never got this one transferred to real dirt and it seems to be doing ok it the companies’ dirt.

The white one also seems to be growing well with me not paying attention of it. The white is harder to photograph but it s a beautiful set of blooms.

The one monarch seems to keep hanging around.  I can’t be certain that it is the same one but it is odd that we have only one. The neighbor to the northwest was mowing his yard and this one guy was busy flitting about.

My rose that I bought as a cheap bargain last fall continues to show off its wonderful red blooms.  I never know what to expect when I pick up a gallon bucket and a few stems and leaves but this one had done very well. I spent some time picking off spent blooms of the front yard roses.  It takes a lot of time but I have buds forming already for their final showing.

I worked at the old house today finishing up the job of painting all of the cupboards. This photo is of the new floor being put in last month. I shifted the tile at a half lap and it made it looks so great rather than line them up corner to corner. You can see some of the old blue that I had to cover on the cupboards. I ended up putting two coats of a semigloss enamel on the cupboards and did not like it.  So I added two coats of a satan enamel on top of that, same paint company, and it covered up great. My neighbor was over to share dreams today and he was so excited about how great the kitchen did now look.  I am doing things backwards as I still need to roll a ceiling paint on a popcorn ceiling. I have a large roll of butcher paper so I will cover everything up before I do that. New handles and the ceiling is that last to do. I have stared a punch list for each room and this room will be punched done very soon.

Hey, it is good that the weekend is coming.  It has been an active week with stories to tell that I can’t tell, about some neighbors at the old place.  Things do always get complicated and I keep surprising myself that I can land on my feet. At my age, falling down would be expected. but staying vertical is something to be glad about for me. Helping people out can sometimes turn into a disaster.  Life is good. Now I will wave my magic wand and say have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are okay! Sounds like you are coming along at the old house and nearing the finish line! Your red roses are lovely! I like satin paint...I have the same problem upstairs and the bead board should be repainted.., maybe some year when I am really bored. Chance is struggling again...old dogs have such a hard time. :(
