Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sky views........

It seemed like a gray morning when we got up an this photo shows why.  The clouds and fog make it dull looking outside and the sun is jus now coming up behind the tree.

I want to make a pot of coffee and came back to find this.  One doesn’t dare blinking as things change so quickly.  It is a familiar sight from the deck in the morning. That sunshine will be all day and I am sure it will burn off all the moisture with it becoming 90 degree F.

The monarch showed up in the asters in the afternoon and I was able to follow it to the backyard.
 It gave me some great poses and the colors were so nice and clear.  The shapes of flowers determined as to which way they can eat.  This flower’s head required feeding with the wings closed.

Swinging his wings open was sure welcomed by me. The colors are so clear and the wings look unblemished as looks like a newly unfurled butterfly.

The changing of the moon’s position each night has helped me to see it more clearly as the days go by.  Mars show up clearly near to the sight of the moon but it won’t focus in for me to share. It is a reddish dot and they say is larger looking to us right now.

I am home today and will be doing various chores. A lawn mower may be pushed around a bit in  the back yard before it gets too hot. I have tomatoes to pick again today.  If I can get the roses trimmed back one more time I bet I can get some more blooms. It is borderline time for the seasons and it gets hard to try to keep things going as if it is still summer.  I have a peony bush to move today trying to find it a better place to grow in better dirt.  It is hard to find when clay soil is everywhere.  I keep store bought black soil around all of the time. I keep misspelling words and am a little blurry today so I will stop writing now.  I wish everyone to have a great day.

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