Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Middle of the Week.......

One can never have enough flowers.  I was not going to move my many allium from the old place. I was not looking for bulbs, but what can one do when they put it right out in sight for me to see. There are a lot of bulbs in the sack so I will have the next two months to scatter them on the property.  I like how people naturalize daffodils and I think I will do the same with these bulbs. Front yard will get just as many as the back yard.

While mowing my yard yesterday there was a monarch hanging around in the zinnia patch.  Later on while I was out with my camera this black swallowtail was feeding.  He actually stayed most of the day as I could still see him feeding while I was grilling at supper time.  I took so many photos of this war wearied butterfly.  He has parts broken off his tail and damaged wings.

I think our sessions of drought really kept us from having butterflies.  It has been a bad year with just a few of these insects. Normally their are painted lady and sulfite white ones but not this year. I did see swallowtails at our old place.
When it stops raining, maybe more butterflies will start to show.

Having been scolded by just a few about my red liquid in the feeder, I did a little research about those concerns.  Back when red dye was being exposed as a cancer cause in lip stick, the naturalists also decided that the red dye in hummingbird food must be bad.  No research ever was made to prove that the dye was causing the shells of the birds eggs to be weakened.  Anyway, the crowd has accepted it as fact and the information keeps being handed down.

Yesterday, great timing for the very first time, I found this product setting right next to the red dye food.  I am not too lazy to boil sugar and I have done that off and on for years. This product is made in Wisconsin and has vitamins and calcium added to help strengthen those tiny little egg shells. So, whatever is truth or not, I have a concentrate of sugar water to use for feeding my five or six humming birds. They are going to be happy that I use the best.  They are outside right now, having war bomber attacks with each other, and it is in the rain. Walmart is where I found it, in our newly remodeled fancy dancy store. All winter feeding products are on display now as we move into the bird feeding season.

I didn’t go work on the old place today.  The downpour seems to not inspire me to get outside and travel. I mowed most of my yard yesterday here and it did need to be cut. We dodge the rains when it comes to going out with Barney. The two different school buses have stopped and picked up our neighbors’ kids already.  The time for starting school has stayed the same in our town.

Wednesday and I am off to the workshop to do some things. I have a new plant also to put into a bigger pot. If I see the sun at any time today, and if it dries out for a short time, I will finish mowing the rest of the yard.  It got too hot for me to finish mowing yesterday.   Thanks for checking in on my spot today.

1 comment:

  1. I mowed today too, and chopped up lots of leaves! They are falling out of the trees like crazy. Beautiful butterfly even if he is not perfect. :)
