Thursday, September 6, 2018

Bummer Day.......

When there are six humming birds surrounding the feeders, one needs to keep an eye on all the commotion.

It is early evening and I still don’t have my blog up and running.  I guess it is a loss for the day. I am having busy times and confusing episodes in my life the past few days.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

I went to visit a store today to look for appliances.  The store was closed and gone.  I went in and visited the junk shop that replaced it and bought some small bowls. They look like good ice cream bowls that were made in China and were from Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

I made a batch of coffee with this and it was not good. I should have used more coffee but the grind of the coffee was not the right kind. I washed the percolator and placed it at the top of the stairs so I can take it down to the storage room. If we have a day without electricity I can go get it and use it.

I guess my mood is showing through so I should stop blogging. I appreciate your checking in on me today and I will get my act together tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by...........

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry, blogging gets to be really time-consuming when so many other things are going on especially during the summer months. I am just now catching up on reading other bloggers posts as we were away on a cross country road trip for 50 days. I posted daily, but barely had any time to read blogs. Thanks for your comments!
