Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday’s Blog Time.......

It bent down so far that it is disconnecting itself from he stem. Hanging by a thread, the wind swings it back and forth and it bonks me on the head.

The now revived jade plant is looking more like itself again. It likes being outside on the step in the partial sun. I like how it has really greened up and matured.

The remaining few of good blooms amongst the other wise dead flowers. It will be time for snow and cleaning the bed for the season.

My new hollyhock should give me stems and blooms next season. I have a start that I brought from the old pace and one that I bought at wally’s mart.

We are having a beautiful day.  Our church celebrated its 75th year in Des Moines and we had good coffee and cupcakes after church. I hope everyone will have a great day today. Thanks..........for stopping by.


  1. Looks like the plants continue to thrive, Larry. I hope that the summer-like weather is gone now that fall has arrived this weekend. I am ready for warm clothes and cooler temps and looking forward to fall foliage here in New England.

  2. You have to wonder how those heavy heads of the sunflower stay attached:)
