Monday, September 24, 2018

Today’s a Go......

Monday morning glow from down the street. An Air Force jet was out making patterns in our sky. It is to be a hot day today but it will start to cool down through the week.

The sun highlights the blooms on my deck flower garden.  The miniature roses are taking off with the many buds now opening. I have in the back of mind that I have to decide what to do with those roses in a pot during the winter.  People do plant them outside and they do survive over winter.  I can see the tag on the begonia is still on that pot.  I will bring the begonia and encourage it to bloom in the winter.

The vining honeysuckle has put out some berries.  I don’t recall seeing that last year but it does need to seed itself. The blooms have been few this year but there are some stray ones coming out right now.

My one monarch is still out there.  He flutters around me in the front yard and then shows up in the back yard later on among the sunflowers. There is no migration happening in our area so far.

It is rare that the flag is unfurled.  I think the southerly winds help to keep it wrapped around the pole and not flying. I need to wash down my siding on the house.  I was told the former owner had a power sprayer that he used to  wash the house.  The cubicle of the entrance actually collects a lot of street dust as the breezes circle through the area.

It is Monday and I will not work at the old place today.  I will get back to work tomorrow but  for now I am going to unwind a bit and putter.  Low labor putter is a good think I think. The weather is waffling as the earth keeps tilting. It certainly felt like winter on some of our past mornings but today it wasn’t so cold.  Sunshine is a welcomed sight and it makes adjusting to fall a lot easier.  I wish you all well today and thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty sky! That Monarch is beautiful...she better head south soon:)
