Friday, September 28, 2018

Time to Plant......

When it quits sprinkling I will head out and pick a final place for the tree to grow.  It is an Eastern Redbud.  We had  redbuds growing in our timber areas of the ISU campus.  It was so great to see them blooming up and down the hills of the campus as I walked the sidewalks.  I will take a photo when I finally get it planted today.  It isn’t such a big hole that is required but a layer of clay will have to be evacuated.  They are building a new lane of highway in the valley area near us and I cringe to see that good Iowa black soil going down under that new lane of highway.

The miniature roses seem to really like the fall weather and makes a great deck plant. More buds are ready to bloom.

We are off to get a dog’s nails trimmed today and catch up on some shots. We were overdue on the visit as he was going through old dog things.  He got a brushing again today and is getting to be cranky about how confining that it is while being brushed.  I wish everyone to have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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